Ferguson-Florissant School District
Equity And Access For All
2022-2027 Strategic Plan
Academics K-6
1. All FFSD students will meet or exceed the state standard or demonstrate significant measurable improvement
This goal aligns with the CSIP Goals 1, 2
In Progress
2. FFSD will ensure birth through prekindergarten children have access to high-quality early learning experiences
This goal aligns with CSIP Goal 2
In Progress
3. All FFSD schools will provide a comprehensive multi-tiered system of support that addresses the academic, emotional, behavioral, social, and physical needs of each student.
This goal aligns with CSIP Goal 3
In Progress
4. All FFSD students will develop essential intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.
In Progress
5. All FFSD schools will implement board-adopted teacher/leader standards to ensure effective instructional staff for each student
In Progress
6. All FFSD staff will implement evidence-based instructional practices to ensure the success of each student.
In Progress
Academics (7-12) & Post Secondary Success
6. All FFSD staff in 7-12 will implement evidence-based instructional practices to ensure the success of each student.
In Progress
7. FFSD students will achieve on track performance on multiple measures of success by meeting or exceeding the state standard and/or demonstrating measurable growth.
This goal aligns with CSIP Goal 1 We will be adopting a new ELA program beginning 2023/24.
In Progress
8. The school system is intentional in providing relevant, high-quality career technical education and/or advanced professional studies based on students' ICAPS
This goal aligns with CSIP Goals 1. The district is exploring an effective platform with tools for college and career readiness to enable staff to improve student performance.
In Progress
9. All FFSD schools will provide a comprehensive multi-tiered system of support that addresses the academic, emotional, behavioral, social, and physical needs of each student.
This goal aligns with CSIP Goal 3.
In Progress
10. Students will graduate prepared for global success
This goal aligns with CSIP standards 1 and 3.
In Progress
11. FFSD will provide wrap around supports (e.g. counseling services, academic interventions, behavioral supports) to enhance the career, academic, and social/emotional development of all students.
This goal aligns with CSIP Goal 3
In Progress
12. FFSD will provide a safe and caring environment that supports teaching, learning, and student success.
In Progress
People and Culture/Human Capital
13. All staff and district leadership will participate in scheduled, ongoing, job-embedded, and content-appropriate professional learning focused on evidence-based instructional practices, staff growth goals, and student performance goals outlined in
In Progress
14. All employees will demonstrate growth while participating in an effective evaluation process based upon clear, written, and measurable targets that are aligned with the vision, mission, and goals of the district.
In Progress
15. FFSD will ensure a healthy climate and culture for all staff and students by regularly assessing stakeholder perceptions and making appropriate adjustments.
This goal aligns with CSIP Goal 4
In Progress
16. The district will recruit, develop and retain a high-quality, diverse staff that is representative of the student body.
In Progress
Financial and Operational Stewardship
17. All students will experience enhanced safety, security, wellness and learning through the completion of facilities, security and technological improvements enabled by financial stability.
In Progress
18. FFSD will be fiscally responsible by maintaining an appropriate annual fund balance.
In Progress
Community Engagement and Communications
19. Demonstrate an integrated communications plan aligned to the FFSD Strategic Plan and MSIP 6. Build communication efforts to achieve desired behaviors and outcomes.
In Progress
20. Strengthen community involvement with all stakeholders (e.g. parents, businesses, staff, students, local non-profits and government) through collaborative partnerships focused on the goals of the strategic plan.
In Progress