
Goal 12. FFSD will provide a safe and caring environment that supports teaching, learning, and student success.

Indicator Progress Milestones
A. The Ferguson Florissant School District implements trauma-informed methodologies, implements youth suicide awareness and prevention practices, and provides responsive services based on student need and local context. Trauma informed professional learning is being offered during FFSD PD days to increase staff awareness and implementation skills for staff. Our MTTS plan includes the two year goal where after Restorative Practices professional learning for whole staff has been implemented then whole staff Trauma Informed professional learning will be conducted in Phase 2. All FFSD Counselors, Nurses and Social Workers are trained in the process of assessing suicide risk. Community partners conduct in school suicide prevention programming, and school counseling and social work staff follows up with individual responses and needs. Securely Alerts allow us 24/7 alerts for any students using a district device who may be engaging with risk oriented content and school/district intervention is provided. All FFSD Counselors and Social Workers implement responsive services regularly for students and schools.
In Progress
B. The Ferguson Florissant School District provides staff, teachers, parents/guardians, and students access to the school system’s written code of conduct, which specifies unacceptable student behavior and consequences for that behavior. FFSD provides families with the Student Expectations Code in writing in the TylerSIS online parent portal system, which parents check "reviewed" yearly upon beginning of the year verification. The Student Expectations Code is also accessible on the FFSD web site. Finally, the communications department sends multiple messages throughout the year in regards to the SEC, updates to the SEC and with links to access the SEC .
In Progress
C. The Ferguson Florissant School District provides training on and ensures the implementation effective practices on violence prevention instruction, including information on preventing and responding to harassment and bullying, for each student and staff member. Every year, at the beginning of the school year, all FFSD staff must complete Safe Schools Vector Training. Several video packages with embedded quizzes educate all staff on appropriate ways to address and prevent violence, harassment and bullying. Additionally, SEC District Committee Meetings address these issues through PD and policy analysis ongoing throughout the school year.
In Progress
D. The Ferguson Florissant School District develops a systematic process for establishing and maintaining a positive learning climate. MTSS universals are our tool for ensuring a systematic process for establishing a positive learning climate. All schools participate in a Tiered Fidelity Walkthrough measuring universal fidelity at all school sites in the fall and in the spring. Additionally, each school SELT committee completes a full Tiered Fidelity Inventory and submits those results every year. Additionally, the MTSS Department, in collaboration with MU, conducts the FFSD Culture and Climate survey and analyzes the data. Finally, SEL screeners and surveys are conducted three times per year with results analyzed and students being identified for various Tiered Intervention Supports.
In Progress
E. The Ferguson Florissant School District gathers and analyzes data on student violence, substance abuse, and bullying and modifies programs and strategies to ensure safe and orderly schools. The FFSD Research and Data department, Safety department, and Discipline Expectations Committee gather and review data pertaining to substance abuse, and bullying. Big 5 Data is reviewed by each SELT Committee in every school during every meeting. PD and Coaching for SELT Chairs and Principals is provided to assist in the teams in addressing key areas of concern through school wide lessons and assemblies, re-teaching clinics, school wide campaigns, incentive programs, and other targeted strategies designed and implemented to reduce and restore the school culture.
In Progress