Academics K-6

Goal 6. All FFSD staff will implement evidence-based instructional practices to ensure the success of each student.

Indicator Progress Milestones
A. Students receive literacy and numeracy instruction throughout all grades using a variety of evidence- based methods . Teacher implement the district approved curriculum Eureka math and Being A Reading and Eureka math. The district focus is that teachers use these resources with integrity to ensure students are exposed to the grade level content standards at the rigor they are written.
In Progress
B. Building leaders monitor and provide feedback on the use of effective evidence-based practices. Each building leader completed 50 observations by the end of first semester. Classroom observations enable teachers to monitor implementation of the district approved curriculum and effective evidence-based practices. Principals use a feedback protocol that includes sharing teacher performance data and an next step action.
In Progress
C. Instructional staff design and use appropriate, meaningful, and rigorous learning tasks for each student. Lesson studies in Eureka math this year enabled teachers to experience customizing the resource for students based on student data. This included using the lesson to determine what to keep, cut, and customize based on the exit slip data from the lessons before. In ELA, teachers can use meaningful, appropriate instruction based on a SIPPS placement test for small group instruction. Additionally, all leaders participated in the Standard Based- Learning and Grading professional development. There is strong evidence of teachers utilizing the scales to support progress toward grade-level standards.
In Progress