Financial and Operational Stewardship

Goal 17. All students will experience enhanced safety, security, wellness and learning through the completion of facilities, security and technological improvements enabled by financial stability.

Indicator D. Support curricular and assessment needs by providing adequate technology infrastructure, connectivity, personnel, and digital resources.

Subindicator Progress Milestones
A. Maintain inventory on all technology assets by the end of each fiscal year to identify and determine future need
Not Started
B. Continuously review and align technology needs with the Curriculum and Instruction department to effectively support teaching and learning.
Not Started
C. Annually update and review short and long term budget plan to ensure technology is up to date.
Not Started
D. Annually update and revise a cyber/privacy security plan, utilizing nationally accepted standards Completed all school building-level emergency plans. Technology Department created a cybersecurity plan. We currently have a EOM for district level but are also working with MOEOP to design at more robust, comprehensive district-level plan.