Community Engagement and Communications

Goal 20. Strengthen community involvement with all stakeholders (e.g. parents, businesses, staff, students, local non-profits and government) through collaborative partnerships focused on the goals of the strategic plan.

Indicator A. Communications and Community Engagement program supports the district's MSIP6 efforts and mission by facilitating effective communication to and from internal and external audiences.

Subindicator Progress Milestones
A. By September of each year, conduct surveys with parents, students, teachers and administrators to determine needs and priorities for Parent University. Preliminary feedback from staff and stakeholders from community meetings, focus groups, and ThoughtExchange data have been considered to evaluate communication and community engagement effectiveness. Additional engagement scheduled for 23-24SY.
In Progress
B. Increase school and District based events (ie: Muffins with VIP, Donuts with VIP, Health Fair, Math Night, STEAM Night, etc.) Increased the frequency of school and District based events through collaboration with internal and external stakeholders. The increased District based events include: Trunk or Treat/Movie Night, Winter Polar Express Event, MBK & MSK outreach programs, Parent University, Town Hall/Community Forum events, United Recognition Awards Gala, Clergy Breakfast, OASIS Tutoring Programs, Dudes, Dads & Donuts Initiative, Staff End of Year Event, Back-to-School Fair, and Boeing STEM Camp. Planning for additional engagement opportunities for the 23-24SY.
In Progress