Subindicator | Progress | Milestones |
A. By September of each year, conduct surveys with parents, students, teachers and administrators to determine needs and priorities for Parent University. | Preliminary feedback from staff and stakeholders from community meetings, focus groups, and ThoughtExchange data have been considered to evaluate communication and community engagement effectiveness. Additional engagement scheduled for 23-24SY. |
In Progress
B. Increase school and District based events (ie: Muffins with VIP, Donuts with VIP, Health Fair, Math Night, STEAM Night, etc.) | Increased the frequency of school and District based events through collaboration with internal and external stakeholders. The increased District based events include: Trunk or Treat/Movie Night, Winter Polar Express Event, MBK & MSK outreach programs, Parent University, Town Hall/Community Forum events, United Recognition Awards Gala, Clergy Breakfast, OASIS Tutoring Programs, Dudes, Dads & Donuts Initiative, Staff End of Year Event, Back-to-School Fair, and Boeing STEM Camp. Planning for additional engagement opportunities for the 23-24SY. |
In Progress