Financial and Operational Stewardship

Goal 17. All students will experience enhanced safety, security, wellness and learning through the completion of facilities, security and technological improvements enabled by financial stability.

Indicator B. Engage stakeholders in long range facility and financial planning

Subindicator Progress Milestones
A. Annually create a budget that aligns with priorities and goals established in the Strategic Plan using benchmark assessment data. The FY24 budget is a start to using data to make decisions and create a budget aligning with the Strategic Plan.
In Progress
B. By March 30 of each year, schools/departments will complete annual planning and evaluation documents identifying strengths, weaknesses and needs. The District is focusing on the program evaluations taking place in the Fall in order to help support planning and budgeting to take place during the Winter.
In Progress
C. Using the planning documentation, schools and departments will create proposals identifying Strategic Plan and targeted SMART goals by March 30.
Not Started
D. By November of each year, conduct surveys with parents, students, teachers and administrators to determine needs and priorities.
Not Started