A. Develop and maintain long and short range plans based on Fiscal Responsibility, Efficiency & Equity.
Preliminary Plan Created. Updating and developing plans and data including data from MGT/BASYS Program |
In Progress
B. Engage stakeholders in long range facility and financial planning
Comments from staff, board of education, community from meetings and thought exchange have been considered in preliminary long range planning. Additional engagement coming soon. |
In Progress
C. Annually evaluate initiatives to ensure resources are effectively aligned and are meeting goals and benchmarks.
Not Started
D. Support curricular and assessment needs by providing adequate technology infrastructure, connectivity, personnel, and digital resources.
Not Started
E. We will address safety, crises and emergency needs through continuous prevention, preparation and other security measures.
Annual safety drills are conducted regularly at each school site. At least 4 fire drills, 4 tornado drills, 2 earthquake drills and 4 active shooter/lockdown drills |
In Progress